Fitshop Terms of delivery
Here you can find all information on our terms of delivery
Country of delivery
parcel service
The following delivery charges incur for deliveries by parcel service (only if the value of goods is less than 99,00 €):
Weight | Costs |
0 kg - 10 kg | 8,00 € |
10 kg - 20 kg | 10,00 € |
20 kg - 40 kg | 20,00 € |
Delivery to islands:
For the delivery of goods to islands by parcel service the following additional costs are incurred: 18,00 €
The extra charge for the delivery to islands applies to the following islands:
Elba, Isole del Golfo di Napoli, Isole Pontine, Isole Tremiti, Laguna di Venezia, Monte Isola, Sardegna, Sicilia
Freight carrier
The following delivery charges incur for deliveries by freight carrier (only if the value of goods is less than 499,00 €):
Amount | Costs |
to - 500,00 € | 30,00 € |
to - 300,00 € | 60,00 € |
to - 100,00 € | 80,00 € |
Delivery to islands:
For the delivery of goods to islands by freight carrier the following additional costs are incurred: 100,00 €
The extra charge for the delivery to islands applies to the following islands:
Elba, Isole del Golfo di Napoli, Isole Pontine, Isole Tremiti, Laguna di Venezia, Monte Isola, Sardegna, Sicilia
* Weight bars and free weights (weight plates, fixed weight dumbbells, kettlebells) cause significant delivery costs due to their high weight, and therefore incur higher delivery charges.
Weight | Costs | |
0 kg - 10 kg | 8,00 € | per parcel (with a maximum of 10 kg) |
10 kg - 20 kg | 10,00 € | per parcel (with a maximum of 20 kg) |
20 kg - 30 kg | 15,00 € | per parcel (with a maximum of 30 kg) |
30 kg - 40 kg | 25,00 € | per parcel (with a maximum of 40 kg) |